Mark Balicki Painting  

Useful Information

  • Michigan Licensed since March 1998. You do not have to be license to paint in Wisconsin
  • Insured 
  • Lead certified (required certificate for painters EPA, Wisconsin & Michigan)​
  • We are knowledgeable in the latest trends, materials, applications and colors.
  • We are problem solvers

Mark Balicki Painting

1108 W A St. Iron Mountain MI 49801


Tell us about your experience

We want to know what you really think about our company. No, this isn't a joke, we're being serious. You're opinion matters to us and we find that the best feedback comes in an open environment. So tell us how you feel!        

Contact Us

  Here at Mark Balicki Painting we put a lot of faith in you, the customer, to call and let us know how we can help you in fulfilling your decorating needs. No question is to dumb to ask and no comment is to small to make. It allows us to better understand you and your needs and maybe even your fears in contracting someone to do work for you.

  We firmly believe that the best paint job is the one that starts with good communication.


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